Organization & Management
The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a company limited by guarantee with no shareholders and obtains its net earnings from racing and betting. The money remaining after payment of dividends, prize money, taxes, operating costs and investments to enhance Hong Kong's racing and betting facilities is donated to charitable and community projects.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust serves as the vehicle through which all of the Club's charitable donations are distributed and administered.

Racing, football betting and the Mark Six lottery are operated as separate entities. The Club also provides a wide range of exclusive leisure facilities for its Members. These fall under a separate company, financed entirely by Members' subscriptions and fees.

The Club is directed by a 12-strong Board of Stewards, headed by a Chairman, who provide their services gratis. The Board of Management, headed by the Club's Chief Executive Officer, undertakes the implementation of strategy and the day-to-day operations of the Club.